

Matthew Thomas Lock

Matthew Lock is an English-born photographer based in Mexico. He specializes in travel photography and incorporating a story into his photos.

He is a multi-national exhibited and published photography with his work being exhibited in Mexico and England and published in Chile.

“The reason I love photography so much is that, for me, it’s not just pointing at a camera and clicking a button; you are freezing a moment in time that will never be repeated the same way again, an instant in someone’s life or a captivating twilight sky. All the raw beauty and emotions that would otherwise be lost in that split second. It’s amazing how much can be conveyed through one picture.

Matthew focuses on three main aspects of travel photography, the first being cultural and people. Here, he creates a connection through the lens, so that you can feel the emotions of the subject or subjects. He doesn’t just photograph people but aims to learn in depth about different cultures, their history, and the struggles they face in the modern world. In the future, he plans to embark on multiple photography expeditions to explore lesser known cultures and spread awareness in the hope that they can be protected and conserved.

Matthew focuses on three main aspects of travel photography, the first being cultural and people. Here, he creates a connection through the lens, so that you can feel the emotions of the subject or subjects. He doesn’t just photograph people but aims to learn in depth about different cultures, their history, and the struggles they face in the modern world. In the future, he plans to embark on multiple photography expeditions to explore lesser known cultures and spread awareness in the hope that they can be protected and conserved.

His second focus point is the wildlife that he encounters on his travels. He does not class himself as a wildlife photographer, but he enjoys capturing the astonishing similarities between us and many different species. It is an incredibly important skill to take wildlife pictures to help with conservation efforts, on which Matt has his sights firmly set. If his photos have some impact in making people realise how fragile many species are and that they need our support now, he hopes to galvanise others to become part of conservation while showing the beauty that surrounds us.

The last area of photography is drone photography. After years of wanting one and saving, he received one as a birthday gift. Ever since, he has been flying and shooting whenever and wherever possible. Something really fascinates him about how an average-looking landscape can be completely transformed from the air.

“It’s a perspective that not many people get to see, and the range of patterns and textures that we don’t know are there until we get airborne above is incredible.”

He hopes to continue his work and has many new and exciting project ideas. His next project will be to explore the less well-known face of Mexico, where he will meet with indigenous people from various tribes and ethnic groups. He wishes to get a better understanding of their culture and, through photography, document and share it with others. The desire to be in the modern age is growing, as technology and the world are moving so fast. It’s important to not forget our roots and to keep old traditions and languages alive; otherwise, we are in danger of losing them.

Countries Visited
Shots Taken
Completed Projects
Countries Visited
Shots Taken
Drone Flights
Completed Projects

- My Visited Countries -

Why choose me?

What is important

I am extremely passionate not only about my work but also about learning more about what is in front of me. If you are passionate and lucky enough to love what you do, you will always strive to provide the best finished product. I am constantly searching for ways to improve and I would describe myself as self-critical.

After travelling to a variety of countries and climates, I found that I am able to adapt to a wide variety of situations and scenarios to come up with the best shots.

Punctuality and discipline are my core values, and I find them to be crucial when working in any professional manner.

Passion is what drives me

Since 2017, I have refined my photography skills through my travels, adapting to a wide variety of situations and settings to get the best shots. I have photographed a mix of genres such as landscapes, culture, faces, nature, and wildlife.

While travelling my camera barely leaves my side. I always have it with me ready for any opportunity that presents itself. Photography well and truly is my passion, the thing I love the most is that you are constantly improving and that you can never truly know it all. 

There are so many aspects to taking a great picture. I am driven my love of this artform and the enjoyment I see people get by viewing my work.

My vision

Travelling is a passion of mine. I love to see new places and experience new cultures. I have a particular interest in nature and wildlife. I want to be able to share this passion with others and motivate and encourage people to travel more and explore new and exciting things. It doesn’t even need to be abroad. There are many amazing people and places in your backyard.

In the current times we live in, the world is moving so fast and the old cultures are moving with it. Some of these incredible and diverse cultures will cease to exist in the near future. I hope through my work to educate others about these amazing people and inspire them to help conserve them. I have the exact same thought process for wildlife too, and in the future I want to take bigger strides in the conservation world.

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